Divorce in France with your children regardless of nationality

Laurent LATAPIE Avocat Docteur en Droit
Laurent LATAPIE Avocat Docteur en Droit

Divorce in France of spouses of foreign nationality, and outside the EU, is it possible if the place of residence of the parent with whom the minor child or children usually resides in the event of the joint exercise of parental authority is inFrance ? Is the French family court judge competent? Example of a Moldavian-Russian divorce under the jurisdiction of a French family court judge.

Article :

It is worth looking at a case law that was recently issued in June 2020 and which addresses the issue of the application of the Brussels 2 regulation, in matters of international divorce Even so, and this is the peculiarity of this case law, we would not only be dealing with an intra-European divorce.


Reminder of the facts of this international divorce:


In this case, Mr C of Moldovan and Romanian nationality and Mrs J of Bulgarian and Russian nationality, were married in Chisinau, in the Republic of Moldova.


Madame J a, by request of October 13, 2017, filed a request for divorce with the Family Affairs Judge in France.


By order of January 18, 2018, rendered by default, the French family court judge had, after having retained his own jurisdiction, that is, the jurisdiction of the French judge in application of French law relating to the divorce of spouses, maintenance obligations and liability. parental.


The French family court judge therefore issued an order of non-conciliation of the spouses and, at the same time, prescribed the measures necessary to ensure the residence of the wife and that of the children, living in France, until the date on which the divorce judgment would have become final.


On the conflict of jurisdiction and jurisdiction:


However, Mr C, for his part, argued that on June 28, 2017, he himself had seized for the same purposes of divorce, the Moldovan judge, who by a decision of December 15, 2017, appealed against by Mrs J had pronounced the divorce of the spouses and had fixed the residence of the minors with the father in Moldova.


Therefore, which decision to apply and which competence to retain?


Mr. C, taking advantage of these proceedings in Moldova, had then strongly contested, before the Court of Appeal, the jurisdiction of the French judge in favor of the Moldovan jurisdiction.


The question arose as to whether or not the French judge was competent even if he pronounced the provisional measures ending the marriage between two people who were not of French nationality, were not even within the competence of nationality. intra-European and who had otherwise married and had even fixed their first common residence outside the European Union, and in this case, in Moldova.


The divorce proceedings initiated in Moldova had not slowed down the French judge, who, as part of his French proceedings, had retained the application of the European regulation Brussels 2 bis to recognize the jurisdiction of the French court and thus rule on the provisional measures in the context of divorce proceedings initiated by the wife, in France.


However, the difficulty is that the Brussels 2 regulation on the competence for the recognition of the enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and in matters of parental responsibility entering into force in 2005 is intended to regulate only the relations between nationals of the European Union.


Which was not the case with the Republic of Moldova


Indeed, the Republic of Moldova being an independent state, had not yet joined the European Union and was therefore not subject to the internal regulations that governed it.


It should be remembered that the rule of conflict of jurisdictions is governed in French law by Articles 14 and 15 of the Civil Code which recognizes the jurisdiction of French courts in the event of a dispute between a foreigner and a French person.


These texts of domestic law therefore do not seem to be applicable in the present case since neither of the two spouses had French nationality.


All the more so as no bilateral agreement had been concluded between France and the Republic of Moldova, establishing specific rules on conflict of jurisdictions.


In such a way that it was necessary to apply private international law and therefore to turn to the Hague Convention and to look at the couple’s first domicile and the place of marriage which suddenly could generate jurisdiction in France.


While it is true that the couple had lived in France, neither of them had French nationality and the marriage had not been celebrated in France, which posed difficulties.


All the more so as they had strong ties with the Republic of Moldova.


Indeed, Mr C. was of Moldovan nationality.


Their marriage had been celebrated and the latter owns a family home in which the couple and their children regularly went to spend their holidays.


All these elements also explained that Mr. C had seized the Moldovan jurisdiction in July 2017 to initiate divorce proceedings.


So that Mr. C considered that Ms. J was in complete bad faith in instituting a second divorce proceeding through a request filed in France before the French Family Affairs Judge.


This commented case law recalls, however, that EC regulation n ° 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 constitutes the common law of member states in matrimonial matters.

This applies once one of the competence criteria set out in Article 3 is met.


It does not matter that the spouses are nationals of a non-member state of the European Union.


Is the French family court judge competent?


To understand, in application of the ordinary rules of international jurisdiction, the French courts obtained by extension to the international order of the rules of internal territorial jurisdiction which take precedence over the exorbitant rules of articles 14 and 15 of the civil code, the business judge French family is competent.


Thus, the divorce in France of spouses of foreign nationality, and outside the EU, is perfectly possible if the place of residence of the parent with whom the minor child or children usually resides in the event of the joint exercise of parental authority is in France.


It was therefore up to the French Family Affairs Judge to verify whether the habitual residence of Mrs J with her children was indeed in France and not in Moldova.


And in such a case, that would justify the competence of the French jurisdiction with regard to the Brussels 2 bis regulation.


While it is true that French private international law does not know the forum rule, this does not suit the rule which offers the judge of the forum to decline jurisdiction for a court of a state with which the dispute represents strong support, the fact remains that, notwithstanding the existence of perhaps stronger links between the dispute and Moldova, the Brussels 2 bis regulation would allow referral to the French courts.


The Court of Cassation rightly considers that the visa of article 3 of regulation 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 “Brussels 2 bis” relating to jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of decisions of  » a regime in matrimonial matters and in matters of parental responsibility, that it follows from this text that a court of a Member State is competent to hear a petition for divorce when the alternatives of jurisdiction are located on the territory of that state.


It is immaterial whether the spouses are nationals of a third state or whether the defendant spouse is domiciled in a third state.


This decision is interesting.


It specifies that when a spouse is domiciled in France with his children, regardless of whether he is a citizen of foreign nationality, even outside the European Union, he has the right to refer the matter to the French Family Affairs Judge to consider a procedure. of divorce and fix all provisional measures for the spouses and for the children, until the divorce is definitively pronounced, and this, regardless of the nationality of the spouses and the nationality of the children.


Article written by Maître Laurent LATAPIE,

Lawyer, Doctor of Law,




Enlèvement international d’enfants et saisine du juge aux affaires familiales

Laurent Latapie Avocat vente
Laurent Latapie avocat vente

Une française, quittant précipitamment la Suède pour la France avec son enfant de père suédois, peut-elle saisir le juge aux affaires familiales pour « valider » et légitimer son installation en France ? Comment appliquer la Convention de La Haye du 25 octobre 1980 abordant le régime juridique de l’enlèvement international d’enfants ?


Article :


Il convient de s’intéresser à un arrêt rendu par la Cour de Cassation en septembre 2019 qui vient aborder la problématique de l’application de la Convention de LA HAYE du 25 octobre 1980 sur les aspects civils de l’enlèvement international d’enfants.


Dans cette affaire l’enfant E était né en Suède de l’union d’un père suédois qui en avait la garde et d’une mère française.


La mère ayant, le 17 janvier 2017, quitté la Suède pour la France avec l’enfant, le père a, le 5 février 2017, saisi les autorités suédoises à l’effet d’obtenir le retour de l’enfant en Suède en application de la Convention de LA HAYE du 25 octobre 1980 sur les aspects civils de l’enlèvement international d’enfants.


Par requête du 6 février 2017, Madame X a demandé au Juge aux Affaires Familiales de fixer les modalités d’exercice de l’autorité parentale à l’égard de l’enfant commun.


Pour autant, le Procureur de la République l’a assignée aux fins de voir ordonner le retour immédiat de l’enfant au domicile du père en Suède.


Par arrêt infirmatif du 27 février 2018, la Cour d’Appel a accueilli cette demande et statuant sur la requête déposée par Madame X devant le Juge aux Affaires Familiales.

La Cour d’Appel a considéré que le juge français était incompétent pour trancher cette problématique.

Cet arrêt est intéressant puisqu’il rappelle la portée et la force de la Convention de LA HAYE permettant à l’un des parents victime de l’enlèvement d’un enfant d’espérer un retour rapide de ce dernier.


Le Ministère Public des pays ayant ratifié cette convention est tenu de faire toutes diligences sans délai.


L’idée que la mère ait saisi le Juge aux Affaires Familiales est également une approche pertinente et efficace lui permettant de légitimer la présence de l’enfant sur le territoire français.

Malheureusement dans cette affaire la procédure a été viciée par le fait que la mère a créé des problématiques d’adresse trompant le Ministère Public ce qui a amené à une application sévère de la Convention de LA HAYE.


La Cour de Cassation rappelle que l’absence ou l’inexactitude de la mention relative au domicile du demandeur en cassation exigée par l’article 975 du Code de Procédure Civile constitue une irrégularité de forme susceptible d’entraîner la nullité de la déclaration de pourvoi s’il est justifié que cette irrégularité cause un grief au défendeur.


Cette décision offre un bel exemple d’application récente en France de la Convention de LA HAYE et elle offre une réflexion sur la validité de la saisine du Juge aux Affaires Familiales en France pour rapidement déterminer et caractériser le droit du parent résidant en France.



Article rédigé par Maître Laurent LATAPIE,

Avocat, Docteur en Droit,



International child abduction and referral to the family court judge

Laurent Latapie Avocat droit international,ational Hong Kong
Laurent Latapie Avocat droit international,ational Hong Kong

A French woman, leaving Sweden in a hurry for France with her Swedish father’s child, can she seize the family court judge to “validate” and legitimize her installation in France? How to apply the Hague Convention of October 25, 1980 addressing the legal regime of international child abduction?




It is worth considering a judgment rendered by the Court of Cassation in September 2019 which addresses the issue of the application of the HAGUE Convention of October 25, 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction.


In this case, child E was born in Sweden to a Swedish father who had custody of him and a French mother.


The mother having, on January 17, 2017, left Sweden for France with the child, the father on February 5, 2017, applied to the Swedish authorities to obtain the return of the child to Sweden in application of the HAGUE Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.


By request of February 6, 2017, Ms. X asked the Family Affairs Judge to set the terms and conditions for the exercise of parental authority over the common child. However, the Public Prosecutor assigned him to order the immediate return of the child to the father’s home in Sweden. By reversal of February 27, 2018, the Court of Appeal allowed this request and ruling on the request filed by Mrs X before the Family Affairs Judge.


The Court of Appeal considered that the French judge was incompetent to decide this issue.


This judgment is interesting because it recalls the scope and the force of the HAGUE Convention allowing one of the parents victim of the abduction of a child to hope for a quick return of the latter.


The Public Prosecutor’s Office of the countries having ratified this convention is required to do all due diligence without delay.


The idea that the mother has referred the matter to the Family Affairs Judge is also a relevant and effective approach allowing her to legitimize the presence of the child on French territory.


Unfortunately in this case the procedure was vitiated by the fact that the mother created problems of address deceiving the Public Prosecutor’s Office which led to a severe application of the HAGUE Convention.


The Court of Cassation recalls that the absence or the inaccuracy of the mention relating to the residence of the applicant in cassation required by article 975 of the Code of Civil Procedure constitutes a formal irregularity likely to entail the nullity of the declaration of appeal. if it is justified that this irregularity causes a grievance to the defendant.


This decision offers a good example of recent application in France of the HAGUE Convention and it offers a reflection on the validity of the referral to the Family Affairs Judge in France to quickly determine and characterize the right of the parent residing in France.



Article written by Maître Laurent LATAPIE,

Lawyer, Doctor of Law,




Divorce franco-algérien et fixation du premier domicile matrimonial

Laurent Latapie avocat droit de l'entreprise en difficulté 2020

Deux époux algériens se marient à Oran en 1982 pour s’installer en 1995 en France, obtenir la nationalité française et ne jamais retourner en Algérie. En cas de divorce et de liquidation du patrimoine commun, faut-il appliquer le droit français et son régime communautaire, ou le droit algérien et son régime séparatiste ? Faut-il retenir le critère du premier domicile matrimonial en Algérie ou prendre en considération les circonstances postérieures et leurs investissements immobiliers en France ?

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Laurent Latapie Avocat immobilier et liquidation

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Perceraian Perancis-Indonesia: mode operasi dan kolaborasi

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Dalam kondisi apa prosedur perceraian bekerja di Indonesia? bagaimana dengan perceraian antara warga negara Perancis dan warga negara Indonesia? Bagaimana cara mengatur dan mempersiapkan perceraian Prancis-Indonesia? Kolaborasi baru antara kantor Maître Laurent Latapie, pengacara Prancis, dan kantor Maître Natalia Petracia Sahetapy, pengacara di Jakarta, Indonesia.

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